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FORSEES is a H2020 MSCA project dedicated to predict (or to foresee) force fluxes in buildings and simple structural arrangements only by visual analysis.

Amongst human senses, vision is the most developed one, producing a wealth of information for human cognition. We decided to capitalize on visual data to develop a Computer Vision tool for Structural Engineering applications to fill the diagnostic gap in the sector with other fields of study (like medicine) and to exploit its educational potentials.

FORSEES identified and tried to answer to 3 fundamental research questions:

Structural Intuition

Does exist or can be developed a human-like structural intuition – a sense that identify equilibrium in a fast thinking scheme?

Building Diagnostic

Can we use Computer Vision to detect structural pathologies and use it for large scale risk assessment scenario?

Perception and Education

Is it possible to relate visual analysis to perception in order to enhance risk awareness and equilibrium perception?

Visual Structural Analysis

Elastic solution of statically determinate or non-determinate structures through computer vision;

Accurate prediction of snap-through buckling loads;

Intuitive-like solutions.

Visual Structural Diagnostics

Bridge damage detection;

Earthquake vulnerabilities detection and structural skeleton detection and identification (the VulneraCities project);

More than 3 million buildings screened across 15 cities!

Fabio Bazzucchi1,2
Nikita Klimenko2
Maoran Sun2
Punit Rathore2
Fabio Duarte2
Giuseppe Ferro1
Carlo Ratti2


1 DISEG, Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
2 Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, United States


F. Bazzucchi, N. Klimenko, M. Sun, F. Zhang, P. Rathore, F. Duarte, G. A. Ferro, C. Ratti – Building seismic vulnerability assessment through Deep Learning at street level imagery. Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (draft – available under request)

F. Bazzucchi, N. Klimenko, M. Sun, F. Duarte, G. A. Ferro, C. Ratti – Built forms evolution and seismic adaptation in city space syntax. (draft – available under request).

F. Bazzucchi, N. Klimenko, F. Duarte, G. A. Ferro, C. Ratti – How urban syntax and built forms are shaped by earthquake, the Vulneracities project. Accepted In World Conference Earthquake Engineering 2024, 30th June – 5th July 2024, Milan, Italy.

F. Bazzucchi Vision, perception and intuition in structural analysis. Italian Workshop of Spatial Structures 2023, 26-28 June 2023, Turin, Italy

F. Bazzucchi Snap’n’Roll: tuning and listening to the progressive buckling of reticulated ensembles. Italian Workshop of Spatial Structures 2023, 26-28 June 2023, Turin, Italy